This graceful, gentle, and meditative martial art originated in the holy mountains of ancient China. It combines slow and flowing movements with deep breathing and mindfulness to cultivate harmony between the body and mind. Often described as "meditation in motion," Tai Chi offers a unique blend of physical exercise, mental focus, and spiritual nourishment. Cultivate Inner Peace, enhance physical health, relieve chronic aches and pains, strengthen your will and improve your focus.
I began my study of Tai Chi while travelling in China there as a teenager. I had asked a local Chinese friend to help find me a Kung Fu instructor, since I had dreams of learning from a hard as nails shaolin monk!
Much to my initial disappointment, an older man turned up instead. Without zero explanation, he dragged me outside and made me stand on one leg. This began my journey with Tai Chi. Master Yao was not exactly what I had in mind. He smoked, he spat, he would encourage me to drink beer with him. But he was TOUGH, and an amazing teacher. He would come to my home every day and teach me in private until he was confident enough that I could come to his morning classes without embarrassing him!
A hard task master, he would often slap my arm into the correct position, force me into painful stretches that made my tendons scream and leave me to stand in unnatural positions for what seemed like hours. Once he felt I was ready, he would phone me every morning at 5am and shout the single word "Gōngyuán!" (Park!) down the phone, and I would sleepily make my way to the park to practise with the class in the early hours. That was my first exposure to Tai Chi. Not exactly the stereotypical gentle wise master from the movies, but what an experience.
Since then I've built on that foundation from Master Yao, training with multiple instructors, most notably Dr Yang Jwing Ming's YMAA school taught by Martin Evans, the Shaolin Wahnam school under Master Wong Kiew Kit, and Jamie Robson Kung Fu.