Qigong is a traditional Chinese practice that combines movement, meditation, and breath control to cultivate and balance the body's vital energy, known as "qi" or "chi." It is rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy and is considered a form of holistic exercise and a healing art. The word "qigong" itself is composed of two Chinese characters: "qi," which means energy or life force, and "gong," which translates to work or skill.
Qigong can help clear away blockages, and also enhance your energy levels, charging yourself up with vital energy. Some practises are static, are a student holds a single position for an extended period while focusing internally. Others are more free flowing, allowing the energy to move more vigorously so you are left feeling cleansed and refreshed.
At its highest levels, Qigong can bring about spiritual enhancement and character development.
My own experience of Qigong has been transformational and vital in maintaining my well-being. There have been many times where I just haven’t felt myself, so I’ve taken myself off to do some Qigong where I’ve managed to release some trapped energy, or stretch out some part of my body that wasn’t happy.